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Alicia Mitchell

Indie Actress Alicia Mitchell

10 Things about alicia mitchell

1.  Grew up in the state where "Twister" was set


2.  Performed her own stunts in "Spies"


3.  Ex Marketing Guru turned player (aka Actress)


4.  Played over 1001 games of softball/fastpitch and still going...


5.  Trains to kick ass Thai style


6.  Air Force brat on the run


7.  Her pet's favorite dance is the Bunny Hop


8.  Been behind the lens of a Rankin shoot


9.  "The Algerian" screened in Cannes at the Marche du Film 2016


10.  Slices and dices with her Katana in Blood Orchid

Anchor 3

"The Algerian is...a complelling and well-acted international political thriller...that leaves you with something to think about."    -  Independent Film Quarterly Magazine

Anchor 1
Anchor 2

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Los Angeles, CA  90045

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